Friday, July 3, 2009

Here are the rest of my pictures from Hampi! finally! On a side note, we went on a field trip for class today. It was pretty uneventful. But, I did have fresh coconut for the first time. I've had the coconut water a couple of times here. It's ok, not sweet like you'd think, but it's awkwardly refreshing. But today they stopped for some coconuts and had the guy cut them open after they drank all the water. So I got to eat some of the stuff inside. It was really weird. It was not at all the texture I expected. It was really fleshy and strange. It almost had the consistency of raw chicken. And it didn't taste anything like coconut I've ever had. It was almost savory. It was really good though. And I want more.

Eden's henna!

I love Indian babies

Eden on a cow (?)

1 comment:

  1. Amy:

    This round of pics is fantastic. Can't wait for the narrated slide show when you return!

