Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The first few days

So now that I've settled in somewhat I have some time to sit down and write some stuff in here.
The first day was pretty good. I didn't do much other than a bunch of paperwork that everyone else did when they arrived earlier. So I did all that and then sat in on one of the classes that I'll be taking. It wasn't a full length class but just kind of an overview of how the class is going to be.
After that we had to go to the police station to register with them. So we did that. Driving here is absolutely insane! I still haven't grasped the whole other side of the road thing. And on top of that the way people drive here is absolutely nuts! but it is pretty fun.
Also, the food here is so good. we get 3 meals a day and they're super delicious. There's fresh fruit with every meal which is delish!
Today (day two) was the first day of real classes. I had my religions class and it was pretty good. The professor is actually a professor from pitt Greensburgh. It's a pretty long class (3 hours) so it gets a little rough towards the end cause of the heat. But the material is super interesting. Also they let you rent bikes here so that you can get around campus. I got mine today and it's hot pink which is fabulous!
The best part of today though was going to yoga class. They offer a yoga claff for 100 rupi's which is equivalent to $2. That's crazy cheap! you can't even go to one yoga class in the states for that much. So for $2 I get to go to yoga every day for the next week. Fantastic!! So yea me and another girl from the program Anna walked there today and than had the class. It's in this huge room with a ton of windows and it's so relaxing because there it the most amazing breeze and it's so quiet. Also, the funniest thing, our teacher is this 60 year old overweight man with a hearing aid. Last person I ever would have expected to be our yoga instructor.

All in all I'm really enjoying myself. It's hard to believe this week is already half over. But the people here are really nice and friendly and I'm slowly getting used to the heat. I think it's going to rain tonight so that'll be nice.


  1. I tacked a weatherbug for Hydrabad to my favorites. You have a lot of 3 figure temps coming your way. I could never get used to it

  2. AMY!!!! Yay! I hope you have an awesome trip! I love you!

  3. There's a 60% chance for rain today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's gonna happen. Hopefully not while I'm riding back from class!
