Thursday, June 11, 2009


I got lost today trying to go to class. I thought I knew the way to go but I apparently didn't and got super lost. I was to nervous to ask anyone for directions so I just rode around aimlessly making random turns to try and get there. Yea needless to say it did not work. So on only the 2nd day of classes I've already managed to miss one. Oh well I guess.
Oh and the power went out today. It got so hot in our building that I had to lay on the floor of my bedroom just to stay a little cool.

I rode my bike for the first time today. I love having a bike, it's so fun to ride. Even if it's ridiculously hot out the breeze that you get from riding the bike feels so good. It sucks though because the bikes that they have are all super old super heavy fixed gear bikes so they can be a little tough to maneuver. And plus, the seat on mine is loose so it is constantly getting pushed back so that it's at this awful 30 degree angle. It's quite uncomfortable. But it's still really fun to go for rides.
Me and a couple of the other girls woke up early this morning and rode down to yoga. It was so much fun! It's so nice here in the morning. It's cool (ish) and it's so peaceful except for the occasional birds and dog bark. Oh and speaking of the dogs. There are a ton of dogs on this campus. Apparently they're stray's and all the other people in the program say to stay away from them. But I see locals petting them and I really want to cause they're so cute. Today while we were waiting outside for the yoga studio to open up there was a pack of dogs hanging around and they all started to gang up on this poor little white one. Some of the locals broke it up but it was so sad. I'm just a sucker for pups I guess!

Well now that the power is back I think I'll go read in the airconditioning for a while!


  1. Well Amy, what a creative excuse for skipping class!

  2. The way dogs are treated in the US is not always what you find in other locations. Lots of strays and not much affection. It is probably better to keep your distance than have to put up with rabies shots

  3. Oh hush mom!!!
    Yea I figured the same about the dogs. I suppose I'll just keep my distance for now.
    We're going on an excursion today for one of my classes to some temples and other cool things. so I was waiting to get back from that to upload everything. Hold your horses! geez haha
